Treating Trauma

At Therapy Now, we specialize in treating trauma. Alicia Eddy LMHC is clinically trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, both of which are the most effective psychotherapy treatment for trauma associated mental health issues. Trauma comes in many forms but often has the same devastating effect on those it affects. If you have been the victim of abuse, have experienced a life-threatening event, or have been emotionally affected by things in your past, you may be experiencing feelings of depression, anxiety, guilt, or hopelessness.  

Alicia Eddy LMHC provides a safe, comforting space to help you heal and move forward with your life. From the first session, she will help you understand the impact of trauma and learn coping skills to reduce any traumatic symptoms you may be experiencing.  

We know how hard it can be to reach out - but you don't have to face this alone. Give us a call today to see how we can help. 


post-traumatic stress disorder

PTSD can affect anyone who is exposed to a scary, life-threatening event. The four main symptoms include:

  • Reliving the event. You may experience vivid nightmares, bad memories of the event, and flashbacks.

  • Avoidance. You may begin to avoid situations or people that remind you of the event. You may avoid thinking about the event and push away any feelings associated with the trauma. You may forget key details of the trauma.

  • Negative beliefs and feelings. You may develop negative thoughts about yourself, others, and the world you live in due to the event. You may have trouble trusting others or begin to think that the world is a dangerous place. You may experience feelings of guilt and shame. You may lose interest in doing things you used to enjoy and may start to isolate yourself from friends and family. You might feel numb and detached.

  • Hyper arousal. You may feel "keyed up" or on edge. You may be hyper aware of your surroundings and always on alert for danger. You may have trouble sleeping at night and concentrating during the day. You might experience mood swings, angry outbursts, or act in unhealthy and reckless ways.



childhood trauma

Over 60% of adults report experiencing one or more traumatic events during their childhood. These may include child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, bullying, domestic violence, divorce, or dysfunctional family dynamics. The effects of childhood trauma can linger for years, causing emotional and behavioral issues that affect daily life and relationships patterns. Adult survivors of childhood trauma often are affected in the following ways:

  • Emotional issues. Adult survivors often experience feelings of guilt, shame, avoidance, grief, and confusion. Studies show that early exposure to trauma is linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety, self harm, and suicidal behavior.

  • Poor self esteem. The way we think and feel about ourselves begins in early childhood. Children often internalize negative events around them into feelings of self-blame and worthlessness. This can result in patterns of poor self esteem and negative self-worth that last well into adulthood and affect the development of healthy relationships.

  • Physical health. Children exposed to trauma may develop a "heightened stress response" that is linked to health problems in adulthood. These may include sleeping problems, chronic pain, lower immune function, and cardiovascular disease.

  • Substance abuse. Early exposure to trauma has been linked to greater rates of alcoholism and substance abuse in adulthood.